The Annual Cranberry Festival, hosted by the Downtown Bordentown Association, is a special occasion for Bordentown City to showcase its offerings. As this event highlights our local restaurants and businesses, we restrict outside food vendors to offering only snack foods, ensuring our city's establishments have their moment in the spotlight.

  1. Cottage Food Operators must obtain a CFO Permit from NJDOH.  Information regarding the CFO Permit can be found at the following site: Burlington County Health - Cottage Food Permit.

    Cottage food product means non-TCS* food that a cottage food operator prepares and includes:

    1. Baked goods, including bread, rolls, biscuits, cakes, cupcakes, pastries, and cookies;

    2. Candy, including brittle and toffee;

    3. Chocolate-covered nuts and dried fruit;

    4. Dried fruit;

    5. Dried herbs and seasonings, and mixtures thereof;

    6. Dried pasta;

    7. Dry baking mix;

    8. Fruit jams, fruit jellies, and fruit preserves;

    9. Fruit pies, fruit empanadas, and fruit tamales (excluding pumpkin);

    10. Fudge;

    11. Granola, cereal, and trail mix;

    12. Processed honey and sweet sorghum syrup. 
      NOTE: Raw, unprocessed honey is not a cottage food and is not subject to permit requirements;

    13. Nuts and nut mixtures;

    14. Nut butters;

    15. Popcorn and caramel corn;

    16. Roasted coffee and dried tea;

    17. Vinegar and mustard;

    18. Waffle cones and pizzelles; and

    19. Upon written application to the Public Health and Food Protection Program, other non-TCS food.

  2. Any food vendors that provide food from a truck, trailer, tent, table-top set-up, etc. must submit the Mobile Retail Food Establishment Application for review and approval.  This applies to all vendors.  The process is the same whether they are in state, out of state, or a local restaurant. Burlington County Department of Health -Mobile Food Sales or the Coordinator Application for Temporary Events.

  3. Contact information for the Burlington County Health Department | 15 Pioneer Boulevard, Westampton, NJ 08060

    609-265-5516 / Fax: 609-265-5541